Take Your Relationship
with Your Teen from
Surviving to Thriving!

And Support Your Teen in Becoming the Best Version of Him or Herself!

Your son or daughter’s journey from childhood to adulthood can be an adventure marked with challenging new experiences, lots of real-world problems, and a host of new relationships.  But don’t be fooled: Despite your tween or teen’s focus on their peer group and life outside the home and family, the parent-child relationship is still one of great significance during adolescence.

Parenting through this developmental stage can be hard as tweens and teens strive to find their own way. There are great parenting resources out there, but the amount of information can be overwhelming. It’s hard to know where to begin!  We are here to help you understand how to relate well to your tween or teen and how to navigate through tricky moments and take on tough topics. 

We want to help you master communication with your teen and position yourself in a way that supports them in becoming an independent, confident, responsible young adult who sees the possibilities of their own future. 

In addition to parent education and coaching, we do community collaborations and speaking engagements. You can contact us to learn more.


We support parents in two ways—parenting education and coaching services.
Read more below.

PhD in Parenting Tweens & Teens Program & Private Education

Let us help you thrive! PhD in Parenting Tweens and Teens is a uniquely designed parent education program for parents of tweens (10-13) and teens (14-18+). Using proven parent education methodologies, this program will enhance parent-teen relationships, improve parenting skills, and enable parents to create a healthy, peaceful, and respectful home environment.

Consider parent education with The Parent's Place the manual you never received with your baby! Learning parenting strategies is an investment in your tween's and teen's present and future. And, the earlier you start, the easier it will be during the adolescent years.

The Parent's Place can help you explore these fundamentals in a self-paced private learning environment with a focus on your unique family dynamics OR in a group setting with other parents experiencing many of the same challenges. The long-term benefit of a group setting is that after the learning, you will have a richer network of parents who can support you without judgement!


  • 6 one-hour live group sessions led by tween/teen expert via Zoom
  • 20-minute optional Q&A at the end of each session
  • Cohort-based learning limited to 15 participants
  • Participant packet including key content summaries, note-taking section, and follow-up activities
  • 12-month access to monthly live “Help Me With This!”
  • Opportunities to add one-on-one parent and/or teen coaching

Session Topics by Week:

  • Session 1: Understanding the Inner Workings of My Teen
  • Session 2: Leading the Way
  • Session 3: Communication is the Foundation of All Relationships
  • Session 4: Practice Makes Progress…Now Stick to It!
  • Session 5: Let’s Plan for Where We are Going
  • Session 6: Learning and Returning


    Recent Survey Results from PhD Program​:

    • Relevance of the overall content 9.6 out of 10
    • Usefulness of content 4.6 out of 5
    • 97% of participants who completed the "take it home" activity rated them Very Helpful or Helpful
    • Examples used to illustrate course concepts 4.8 out of 5
    • 4.3 out of 5 participants felt the virtual environment worked well ​

    Participant Testimonials:​

    • "They say there isn’t a parenting manual to learn to be a good parent, but this program is definitely a manual to raising independent and healthy teens!" 
    • "The best thing you could do for your team and yourself!"
    • "I learned so much in this program - there was so much insight and wisdom about teen life. I really wish I could’ve taken this course years ago!!" 
    • "This program will help ground you in how to truly see and empower yourself and your teen." ​

    Parenting Support & Coaching

    It’s okay to seek out help and guidance for parenting! Our private support is a one-on-one process in which parents can focus their energy on areas that are most central and pressing to their family. It is highly personalized to meet your specific needs and can be scheduled at times that are convenient for you.

    Our goal is to help you learn and to assist you in creating individualized solutions for your biggest challenges.


    Sample Coaching Areas for Parents:

  • Setting and upholding boundaries
  • Creating behavioral expectations and agreements
  • Instilling and enforcing appropriate social media boundaries at different ages
  • Improving communication and listening skills
  • Deciphering between appropriate and inappropriate behavior
  • Teaching responsibilities and upholding accountability
  • Collaborative parenting
  • Reclaiming parental leadership
  • Dealing with issues around emotional regulation
  • Navigating the friend space
  • Learning coping skills to support your own health and the health of your tw/teen
  • Ending helicopter or lawnmower parenting
  • "Launching" support at all ages
  • Dating, drugs, driving...oh my!

  • Teens and Teen Support & Coaching

    Our teens have been through a lot this year. Covid-19 has changed their world dramatically. With the new school year around the corner, let us help your tween or teen figure out what they most want out of the new school year and their life!

    Where are they content? Where could things be better? What would their ideal future look and feel like? I will explore who they are—their strengths, values, and personality type—and then set small, self-directed goals to inch closer to turning their struggles or weaknesses into tools for building their ideal life.

    ​ We can look at the big picture or dive into focus areas such as academic success, anxiety reduction, social connections, self-exploration, or college/career paths.


    Sample Coaching Areas for Tweens & Teens:

  • Managing responsibilities at home and creating effective behavioral agreements
  • Learning effective coping strategies for a variety of mental health challenges
  • Managing moods and emotions
  • Forming healthy social relationships​
  • Focus on mental wellness

    School Related:
  • Planners and bullet journaling
  • Time management
  • Maximizing study/work space
  • Managing academic workflow and responsibilities

    Future Planning:
  • Goal setting
  • Financial management ​
  • Getting a job 101-resume, cover letter, job search, interviewing, acceptance, and scheduling
  • Setting and upholding boundaries
  • Benefits of Parent Education and Coaching

    • Appreciate your tween or teen's life stage and struggles, discovering ways to help them thrive.
    • Nurture your tween or teen's independence through skill-building, problem-solving, and ownership of personal responsibility.
    • Have meaningful communication with your tween or teen around everyday issues and challenging situations.
    • Experience greater confidence in parenting your tween or teen through proven approaches targeted for these age groups.
    • Cut through disciplinary resistance with agreements, collaboration, and relationship building.

    Hear What Participants are Saying About Our Program

    • This parenting course is designed to lighten the load and provide a forum for sharing best parenting practices through the latest research, as well as an opportunity for parents to share challenges and celebrations with other parents navigating the same road.

      Dori G, Florida

    • Coaching allowed me to work through specific issues going on in my own house, using the material from the course my instructor brought foward.

      Dustie R, Wichita

    • This process empowered me by giving me insight into the mind/behavior of a teenager and the tools and tips as to how to maintain a close relationship with my son and daughter through the teenage years.

      Shayna S, Atlanta

    Speaking Engagements for Schools, Non-profits, & Community Organizations

    Education comes in all forms. The Parent's Place works with public and private schools, community organizations, religious institutions, and others who want to create a customized learning experience designed for their parent community. These sessions can be topical or more generalized parenting content. Our goal is to help parents develop a more connected relationship with their tween/teen, learn solutions to a variety of parenting challenges, and ultimately live a more fulfilled family life!

    A key organizational benefit to offering parenting education is that it helps form and support parent communities. When parents bond over experiences provided by organizations they engage with, they are more likely to volunteer, promote, and donate! ​

    • Speaking Engagements Can Be** (in-person and virtual)
      1 or 2 hour one-time sessions
    • 1/2 or full day sessions
    • Multi-day sessions or Weekend Retreat/Shabbaton

      * In academic settings, we can also provide professional development workshops for faculty and staff as well as tween/teen education.

      ** Pricing is based upon type and length of presentation as well as travel costs if applicable.

    Sample Learning Sessions Designed for Communities:

  • Understanding the tw/teen brain and its impact on tw/teen behavior
  • What’s going on with teens today?
  • Understanding and facilitating resilience
  • Exploring common mental health disorders impacting tw/teens today
  • Navigating the emotional rollercoaster
  • Turning power struggles into mutual agreements
  • Risky behaviors – online friendships, sex, drugs, drinking, and driving
  • The 411 about social media 
  • Communicating to build stronger relationships with tw/teens
  • Setting boundaries, ownership of responsibilities, and behavioral agreements
  • Motivating teens to…do their homework, volunteer, get a job, apply for college
  • Creating and operating out of a core values framework




    Ph.D. in Parenting Tweens and Teens is the creative and passionate work of two dedicated professionals with a combined 50 years of experience in family systems, family counseling, adolescent development, and teen engagement.  Reach out—we look forward to hearing from you! 

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